Associated Engineering Consultants
If your company needs pavement engineering services, chose a trusted name in the industry, Associated Engineering Consultants (AEC). They are a local business based in Redding, with another office in Woodland, CA. Their clients range from Residential, Commercial, Retail, and Restaurants, to Public Works, Municipalities and Educational Institutions. AEC delivers outstanding value by providing engineering solutions for our paved roadways, parking lots, drainage and ADA needs for shopping centers and parking lots throughout the United States.
AEC provides the value in engineering needed to ensure capital projects are completed and maintained on time and on schedule. Their experienced design professionals and project managers will save you time and money through a system of standardized controls leading to exceptional results.
We built the website for AEC on a WordPress platform, incorporating the color scheme of their logo, clean lines and simplicity throughout. We used most all of their own images and added checkboxes on all the Services pages.